Sunday, May 24, 2009

STAR TREK! omg STAR TREK!!!!!!!!


Star Trek...Was... Amazing!!! Just...Just...Pure godliness. I mean, the orignal movies were good, I'll give you that, I'm speechless. O, Gods of Star Trek, you have done absolutely FABULOUSLY!

I think my favorite characters were probably Spock and McCoy (Bones). Spock was so awesome, I can't even describe how awesome! I am going to be Spock when I grow up. No lie.

Also, due to my strange liking of nerds and the fact that I am a tremendous nerd, I think that the guy who played Spock made him REALLY cute. :) Same with Kirk, although he's not really my type...

PROOF of his cuteness...

For those who haven't seen the movie: Top photo-Captain Kirk is on the right, Spock on left

Yeah, I know, the bottom picture isn't him dressed as Kirk, but lets be honest--the uniforms suck. Seriously. They don't look good on anyone. Except for the girls, cuz they're made to look kind of slutty.

Now Spock... Not so cute as a human, I don't think. But he makes a very good half-Vulcan. :) minus the haircut. Of course, without the traditional Vulcan hair-do, it wouldn't have really been the same, so I guess it works.

Okay, Billie. Make fun of me for my tremendous nerdi-ness now.

Love From Your Local Nerd, (live long and prosper...)


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