Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ninjas and Anime

okay, so i wanted to put a nice background of cute little cartoon ninjas on here, just so it would match the title of my blog. so i trot on over (metephorically) to Google Images, thinking, "okay, ninja, it shouldn't be that hard to find." so i type in "cartoon ninja wallpaper" and BAM! a bunch of underdressed anime whores with long hair!!!! what the fuck???? okay, does "ninja" translate directly to fucking "Anime" these days? i mean, come on! Anime was great, for a while. it's good art, most of the time. but i don't want to go and type in something simple, like "Ninja" or "My Chemical Romance" and get a bunch of fucking Anime fan art or crap that people with medeocre talent draw to make themselves feel like they have skills!!! what the fuck??? it is really starting to get to me that everything translates into fucking ANIME!!!!! stop drawing ANIME and start drawing something GOOD, peope!!!!!

Damn you all!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


okay, so i know what i want to do with my life.
maybe writing for a music magazine, like Rolling Stone or Guitar Player. i could interveiw people for them, and write stories about musicians.

the only problem with this is, i don't know where i would go to school for it! probably some form of art school, because it would be literary arts, and i would like to take music classes, most likely vocals. (i'd do piano, but i'm not very good at it, so i keep it a private thing. just for me! i could probably teach piano though, i don't need a degree for that.)

i've been looking around, but these things are harder to find then you'd think.

gotta go, the bells gonna ring...


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

--insert title here--

i got called pretty yesterday.
that doesn't happen!!! that's never happened, ever, unless you count my mom trying to boost my self-esteem (self-esteem is overrated). holy crap.
of course, i'm not gonna say who said it, just in case they don't want anyone to know that they called me pretty.
and it was kinda funny, because they said it in spanish and i couldn't remember what it meant at first, and then like, hours later i was finally like "holy crap!"


i don't know what to talk about. tricia's complaining her head's about to explode. i hope not, because i like this vest and i don't really want blood stains on it.

i don't know what to talk about.
FUUUUUUCK. i want chocolate milk. mmm, yummy.
i need a life. i mean, the only people who blog are the ones who have nothing better to do!!!! damnit!!! how am i going to get myself a life????? FUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!

okay, i'm going to go get myself chocolate milk and a bean burrito.
adios, amigos&amigas!!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008



here's my grades:
I. Tech--*C-*
Fund. Lit--*B*
Spanish I--*A*(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Biology--*B* (!!!!!!)

wow. that's the best grades i've had in a LONG ass time. thank you, special ed.

dude, i'm down to five fish. Napolean DIED!!! (*sob*) now i only have Fred, George, Crappy, Len, and Cartney. time to go get more fiisssshh...


Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Random Rants of a Girl Trying to Avoid Humanity

i'm really just kind of bored, so i decided i would come into the library. actually, no, i'm not just bored, i'm avoiding humanity for a few minutes. i AM allowed to avoid humanity, right? good, because i'm going to.

my friends dog, Ripley, will be the subject of my rants today. mostly because my life is boring and i really have nothing else to rant about, combined with the fact that Ripley is pretty damn awesome. :D

so yeah, Ripley seems to have this fascination with my head, and she kind of likes to chew on it when i'm over there. and then, also, she seems to think she's a lapdog, when really she's this huge golden retreiver that weights like five hundred million bajillion pounds. :P what a brat. she's also afraid of her reflection, watermellons, pizza boxes, ect, ect. you get the picture.

EEK! i need to call my daddy. BJ is going to come with me to his house this weekend, he just doesn't know it yet. i mean, her mom knows it, i know it, mom knows it, i think he's the only one left out of this. **looks like a cross of innocent and guilty**


Monday, November 10, 2008

oh yeah, i just figured out how to change the text color. SWEET!!! anywayz, i actually came on here to rant, but BJ just told me how to do that. hee. i was always typing my posts in "edit html" when i needed to be in "compose.

okay, now for my angry rant.

why the fuck does everyone HAVE to find someone to hate??? i mean like, i don't necessarily like some people, or get along with them, or want to talk to them, but i don't HATE them! it's so absolutely aggrivating! i mean, come on people! don't you have something better to do with your life instead of HATE all the time???? to be perfectly honest, i cannot find a good reason to really HATE anyone, even Logan Gooch, who is so ignorant and pitiful that someone should put him out of his misery, even if he doesn't know he needs to be put out of his misery. (the most preferable way for this to happen would be...i don't know...tossing him into the aligator tank at the zoo, or maybe just drop him off a helecoptor in the middle of the ocean...) (now, don't go taking me seriously, i'm not going to go murdering anyone. don't cart me off to an asylum. **shakes head and rolls eyes** sheesh.)

anywayz, my QUOTE OF THE DAY is not at the end of the blog this time, because i want to discuss it:

"If men could only know eachother, they would neither love nor hate."
~Elbert Hubbard

i think that's totally true. i mean, if you really know someone, knows what goes on in their head and really understand them, then maybe we wouldn't hate or love anyone. of course, it might be a good thing that we don't fully understand anyone, because love and hate make us feel ALIVE. if we don't have the ability to feel ALIVE, why would there be any reason left to live?

of course, there's also another quote, from the book "Starship Troopers" by Robert Heinlein. now, i may not be totally right because i don't have my quotebook right in front of me:

"that old saw about 'to understand all is to forgive all' is a load of tripe. some things, the more you understand them, the more you loath them."

that could make sense, too. that part comes after one of the army men ran away from the army camp, broke into someone's house hundreds of miles away, and killed a two-year-old girl.

the thing about that book is that the story is tediously boring and typical and dull, but he has a lot of good ideas about society. i'd recommend it for anyone who's hungry for new ideals, even though the book isn't exactly new. i think the first copy was published in 1959.

also, it was really interesting because a lot of the things that are invented in the story are actually becomming real, along with other "science fiction" books like Farenheit 451. the soldiers in the Mobile Infantry in the story wear machanical suits, and guess what else has a VERY similar (if much more flashy) mechanical suit? Iron Man. pretty cool, huh?

Thursday, November 6, 2008


okay, no more really personal stuff in here. i've learned my lesson. **shudders** yeekz.

solo competitions were yesterday. i did alright--thirty-four out of forty. last year, i got a thirty-seven. :P oh well. i know i could have done better--i was really nervous. this was the first time i sang a song that i really understood, and i felt like i was standing up there, baring my soul to the entire audience. the judge even said, "loosen up the tension in your throat and jaw, the sound will come out more clean, crisp, beautiful."

i'll work on that.

i'm also working on a new painting...when it's finished, i'll take a picture of it and put the picture on here. :) it's got a bunch of boxes on it, and each small box represents something bad in my life, and each large box represents something good that i've got. so far, i've filled up all think three boxes. i've put in fear, love, hate, nightmare, hope, broken. i still need to put in one more bad thing and another good thing--i've still got the smallest box left and the largest box left. i don't know what to put in the large box.

i suppose i'll think of something.

the basis of shame is not some personal mistake of ours, but that this humiliation is seen by everyone.
~Milan Kundera
