Thursday, May 21, 2009


Yeah, um... I think I need to learn how to mind my own buisiness. Because my inability to do so got me into a teensy little bit of trouble yesterday.

I think I've complained about them before--my fourth hour "Clase de Espanol." Grrrrr... I get sick of the tasteless jokes. Okay, some of them are funny, I'll give you that, but most of them are just hurtful and cruel and uncalled for. There are only a few in that entire classroom that understand that everybody is entitled to live without harrassment from everybody else, so they can live their life as they want to without worrying about whether their latest action is going to have this tidal wave of ridicule and alienation thrust upon them.

I guess I don't have anything specific against Senora F., but I don't think she treats the entire class fairly, and I need to learn how to shut my mouth and keep my opinions to myself. It's like the moment I have an opinion, I have to state it.

Stupid Me with my Stupid Mouth.


opinionated_teen said...
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opinionated_teen said...

Brianna, if any assholes are bothering you with tasteless "gay" jokes, you have EVERY right to get in there face about it! If i was in that class you and I both know that i'd kick some serious ass. Everyone is entitles to there own opinon, you just have to know the right people to state it too...(not jack-asses like "people" on your spanish class)