Thursday, January 29, 2009

help me...

okay, so i need some advice from anyone who may possibly be happening to read my blog...pretty please?

alright. so, as you may know, i'm bisexual. i lean a little more towards the lesbian side of things, and i usually don't have any problem telling people EXCEPT........ i don't know how to tell my father.

the very thought absolutely terrifies me, and i don't know what to do. i know that, eventually, i'm going to be in a serious relationship with someone, and i know that it's a huge possibility that i may be in this serious relationship with another female. and i'm going to have to come out to Dad. the very thought gives me chest pain.

i'm not stupid--i know i need to tell him. but i'm a coward. i don't know what to do and it's causing me severe stress. i didn't have this stress when i told my mom, at least not to this level. i suppose i'm so afraid of telling Dad because he grew up a Catholic. he may not go to church now, but what if a little bit of it's still there??? what if he decides he hates me??? i don't know what to do!!! **tears out hair** AAAHHH!!!

Help me!!!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Speech (the longest blog entry EVER)

alright, so i joined speech again...mostly because Rachel wanted me to, but that's okay. last year, i was in the prose category, but this year (i think i'll like it better) i'm in the Poetry category. i think i'm going to do a combination of "Irene" and "The Sleeper" by Edgar Allan Poe. (he's one of my top favorite poets, along with Emily Dickenson and Shel Silverstein.)

'Tis now (so sings the soaring moon)
Midnight in the sweet month of June,
When Winged visions love to lie
Lazily upon beauty's eye,
Or worse--upon her brow to dance
In panoply of old romance
Till thoughts and locks are left, alas!
A ne'er-to-be untangled mass.

An influence dew, drowsy, dim,
Is dripping from that golden rim;
Grey towers are mouldering into rest,
Wrapping the fog around their breast:
Looking like Lethe, see! the lake
A conscious slumber seems to take,
And would not for the world awake:

The rosemary sleeps upon the grave--
The lily lolls upon the wave--
And a million bright pines to and fro,
Are rocking lullabies as they go,
To the lone oak that reels with bliss,
Nodding above the dim abyss.

All beauty sleeps: and lo! where lies
with casement open to the skies,
Irene, with her destinies!
Thus hums the moon within her ear,
"O lady sweet! how camest thou here?
"strange are thine eyelids--strange thy dress!
"And strange thy glorious length of tress!
Some gentle wind hath thought it right
"tTo open thy window to the night,
"And wonton airs from tree-top,
"laughingly thro' the lattice drop,
"And wave this crimson canopy,
"Like a banner o'er thy dreaming eye!
"Lady, awake! Lady awake!
"for the holy Jesus' sake!
"For strangely--fearfully in this hall
"My tinted shadows rise and fall!"

The lady sleeps: the dead all sleep--
at least as long as Love doth weep:
Entranc'd, the spirits love to lie
As long as--tears on Memory's eye:
But when a week or two go by,
and the light laughter chokes the sigh,
indignant from the tomb doth take
it's way to some remember'd lake,
were oft--in life--with friends--it went
to bathe in the pure element,
and there, from the untrodden grass,
wreathing for it's transparent brow
those flowers that say (ah, hear them now!)
to the night winds as they pass,
"Ai! ai! alas!--alas!"
pores for a moment, ere it go,
on the clear waters there that flow,
then sinks within (wiegh'd down by wo)
th' uncertain, shadowy, heaven below.

the lady sleeps:oh! may her sleep
as long is lasting be so deep--
no icy worms about her creep:
i pray to God that she may lie
forever with as calm an eye,
that chamber chang'd for one more holy--
that bed for one more melancholy.

far in the forest, dim and old,
for her may som tall vault unfold
against whos sounding door she hath thrown,
in childhood, many an idle stone--
some tomb, which oft hath flung it's black
and vampyre-winged pannels back,
Flutt'ring triumphant o'er the palls
of her old family funerals.

The Sleeper
At midnight, in the month of June,
i stand beneath the mystic moon.
an opiate vapour, dewy, dim,
exhales from out her golden rim,
and, softly dripping, drop by drop,
upon the quiet mountain top,
steals drowsily and musically
into the universal valley.
the rosmary nods upon the grave;
the lily lolls upon the wave;
wrapping the fog about it's breast,
the ruin moulders into the rest;
Looking like Lethe, see! the lake
a concious slumber seems to take,
and would not, for the world, awake.
all Beauty sleeps!--and lo!! where lies
(her casement open to the skies)
Irene, with her Destinies!

Oh, lady bright! can it be right--
this window open to the night?
the wonton airs, from the tree-top,
laughingly through the lattice drop--
the bodiless airs, a wizard rout,
flit through thy chamber in and out,
and wave the curtain canopy
so fitfully--so fearfully--
above the closed and fringed lid
'Neath which thy slumb'ring soul lies hid,
that o'er the floor and down the wall,
like ghosts the shadows rise and fall!
Oh, lady dear, hast thou no fear?
why and what art thou dreaming here?
sure thou art come o'er far-off seas,
a wonder to these gardon trees!
strange is thy pallor! strange thy dress!
strange, above all, thy length of tress
and this all solemn silentness!

The lady sleeps! oh, may her sleep,
which is enduring, so be deep!
heaven have her in it's sacred keep!
this chamber changed for one more holy,
this bed for one more melancholy!
I pray to God that she may lie
Forever with unopened eye,
while the dim sheeted ghosts go by!

My love, she sleeps! Oh, may her sleep,
as it is lasting, so be deep!
Soft may the worms about her creep!
far in the forest, dim and old,
for her some tall vault unfold--
some vault that oft hath flung it's black
and winged pannels fluttering back,
Triumphant, o'er the crested palls,
of her grand family funerals--
some sepulchre, remote, alone,
against whos portal she hath thrown,
in childhood, many an idle stone--
some tomb from out whos sounding door
she ne'er shall force an echo more,
Thrilling to think, poor child of sin!
It was the dead who groaned within.

Well, that was about the longest blog i've ever typed, and i think i may possibly have carpel tunnel or something of the sort. (as a matter of fact, the only reason i even bothered was because typing and/or writing something out helps me memorize it. ) i mean, i could've just done this:



Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Gates: More troops for Afghanistan by summer
Defense secretary says war is America's 'greatest military challenge'

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Robert Gates told a Senate panel on Tuesday that the Pentagon could send two more brigades to Afghanistan by late spring and a third brigade by late summer in an effort to try to salvage a country besieged by corruption and increasing violence.

More troops could be sent once the Defense Department is able to put a larger infrastructure in place to support them, he added in testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Gates' prediction comes as President Barack Obama considers his options for a drawdown of troops in Iraq. The Pentagon is preparing various scenarios for winding down the war, including a plan that would cease U.S. involvement in combat within 16 months. Gates said military planners are looking at later dates as well and are prepared to brief Obama on all his options and the their associated risks.

Obama planned to meet on Wednesday with the service chiefs, who are helping to prepare various scenarios for winding down the war.

"I believe the president will have had every opportunity to hear quite directly from his commanders about what they can accomplish and what the attendant risks are under different options," Gates said.

It is Gates' first hearing since Obama took office and lawmakers were eager to hear details about how the new president planned to turn around the war in Afghanistan.

"This is a long, hard slog we're in in Afghanistan," said Sen. John McCain of Arizona, borrowing the phrase used frequently by former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to describe the war in Iraq.

"It is complex," added McCain, the top Republican on the Armed Services Committee. "It is challenging. And I don't see frankly an Anbar wakening — a game changing event — in Afghanistan, such as we were able to see in Iraq."

Security gains made in Iraq's Anbar province are often seen as a turning point in the Iraq war.

America's 'greatest military challenge'
Afghanistan is America's "greatest military challenge" and coordination of the fight against the insurgency has been "less than stellar," Gates said in his prepared remarks.

He said it will take a long and difficult fight to rout militants and help develop a nation that rejects the Islamic fundamentalist Taliban and backs its own elected government.

"There is little doubt that our greatest military challenge right now is Afghanistan," Gates said.

Having recently undergone an operation to repair a damaged tendon in his left arm, Gates spoke with his arm in a sling, his coat half on.

Obama has vowed to shift military resources away from Iraq and move them toward Afghanistan and Pakistan, which he says is the central front in the struggle against terrorism and extremism. In a plan initiated during the Bush administration and endorsed by Obama, the Pentagon is planning to double the 34,000 contingent of U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

But expectations in the troubled region may have to be tempered as top military advisers focus on showing even small security gains and development progress quickly.

"That's clearly the message I'm getting is, `what are the near-term goals going to be?' " Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said when asked about Obama's agenda for Afghanistan.

While lawmakers mostly support the plan to send more troops, several Democrats have expressed the need for a clearer strategy.

Without an idea of when the commitment would end, "we tend to end up staying in different places and not necessarily resolving problems in a way that fits our national interest," said Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., a Senate Armed Services Committee member.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

I'll be back later to finish my complaints. i have to go to class...spanish I. ew.

okay, so what i would like to know is WHY are we even there in the first place? it would be much appreciated if someone would explain it to me.

i suppose my real complaint has to do with the fact that i hate war. i hate violence of any kind. in fact, i hate violence so much that if someone is beating me up, i don't fight back--i quietly resist without throwing any punches.
so it shouldn't be much of a surprise that i'm so opposed to war.
but what i don't understand is how politicians (i hate politicians, too) could let their greed kill people, to let their endless, insatiable desire for power, control, and money cause such unrest!!!!! fuck!!!!!

yours truely,

Monday, January 26, 2009

Another Untitled Poem

There's always one of them around,
Obnoxious and loud,
Digging her nails deep down into my skull.
An angry lover; a sad, forgotten angel.

I just need to keep in mind,
life is always getting better.

I saw a flower today,
I could hear her weary voice as she screamed at me to go away,
and every new story makes me
feel I'm gonna cry.

Why can't I see that
life is gonna get better?

There's one in every single crowd,
a soul that's ripped to peices; no sound
is equal to that cry you hear at night
when you're supposed to be alone.

And I've got nothing left,
No peice of who i used to be.
And I don't want you to say you're sorry,
I just want it all to go away.

Why do they keep telling me
that life is always getting better.

I hate the way i feel: it makes no sense.
I've got no excuse for this hate with no repentance.
I can't go home until I figure it out...
Life is always getting better.

Written on January 25, 2009, at 11:56 p.m.

I would love constructive critisism...please...?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Labrinthine Workings of Society's Bullshit and My Admiration for the Elderly

so, why is it that whenever some REALLY good technology for green cars come out, it takes about three years for it to actually make it into a car?

i don't get it! EVERYTHING seems this complicated. EVERYTHING! it makes me so mad! i know it shouldn't, but it seems to me that if we could just stop making every little step so arduous, the things everyone complains about would get cleared up a lot more quickly.

and you know what, as much as people refuse to say it, the values of most elderly make sense. while i do NOT agree with many things they believe in, the honesty, humility, and contentedness with which they live and the loving way they care for others makes me wish that young people could be that way, too. i know there will always be some who prosecute and hate, but if we could gain back just a few old-fashioned values, mixed with tolerance and things we've learned through the years, life might improve for everyone.

or maybe not.
but a girl can hope, can't she?


PS....i wrote a post a while ago about the school musical, Beauty and the Beast, and how i knew i wasn't going to get the part i wanted (Babette, the feather duster) because of favoritism and senority and all that, and as an update--i was right. i get to be an old begger woman that turns the prince into the beast, and since she's not in there anymore after the first scene, a choras girl. :p GAH! **sigh** oh well. at leaste i got a part.

Friday, January 23, 2009

closing of Gitmo?


okay, i'm not one for torture. i'm not entirely for killing others because they killed someone, but that's a very complicated subject that isn't the topic of the conversation. closing Gitmo?

alright, so it's a bad idea to torture the poor men. they are simply following through with their belief system, and it doesn't seem right to hurt them because of that. this has been going on for longer then a millenia, but that doesn't make it right.

however, i am mystified that they are closing the entire thing down.

these people, no matter the reason, are dangerous to society, and will kill us the first chance they get. for this reason, i do not beleive they should be let go. we should keep them in captivity, but they should NOT be tortured, and they should have the freedom to worship their god as is appropriate.

that being said, i need to go.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Temper Tantrum

okay, i'm getting really fucking sick of all this crap going on between Israel and Pakistan over fucking Gaza, and it's REALLY pissing me off....

why doesn't the U.N. just say, "okay, fuck it, this peice of land belongs to NO ONE. okay? stop the pointless temper tantrum and DEAL WITH IT!" gah!

i swear, all this pointless fighting on the news and crap is really starting to get to me. i refuse to deal with it ANY MORE!!!!!!!!

and any second now, i'm going to spontaniously combust because Tony, who is sitting next to me in Career Investigations, right now, is being increadibly annoying and i think i'm going to hit him over the head with something REALLY hard and hopefully give him worse brain damage he already has.



Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Chart thing i got from ChipotleChick

1. What is your occupation right now?
Student, Assistant Photographer, Lady-Behind-The-Counter at a jewelry store.

2. What color are your socks right now?
White with light blue stripedeys.

3: What are you listening to right now?
The Beatles. ♥♥♥

4. What was the last thing that you ate?
uhhhhh...i don't remember? I think it was chocolate milk...does that count?

5. Can you drive a stick shift?
uhhhhh barely. just barely. just enough so i don't totally total the whole thing...

6. Last person you spoke to on the phone?
my boss/mom's girlfriend (same person)

7. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
well, first of all, it didn't get sent to me, but i guess that, from what i've read from the blog i copied it from, sure, why not.

8. How old are you today?

9. What is your favorite sport to watch on tv?
...The Biggest Twit in the World Awards, sponsored by Monty Python's Flying Circus...lmfao

10. What is your favorite drink?
something i'm not legally allowed to drink yet...

11. Have you ever died your hair?
yes, it was this really cool black-cherry-purple color last, and it was beautiful. the blue before that turned kinda gray...which sucked...

12. Favorite food?
changes from day to day. right now, it's Candy Canes. the peppermint ones.

13. What was the last movie you saw?
Across The Universe, baby!!!!! for about the millionth time...

14. Favorite day of the year?
uhhhhhhhh....i dunno. wednesday?

15. How do you vent anger?
throwing things across the room at the annoying thing that is known as an eleven year old brother...

17. What is your favorite season?

18. cherries or blueberries?

19. Do you want your friends to email you back?
............about that...........

20-21. How many sibs do you have?
1: an abnoxious ten year old half brother
2: an abnoxious fifteen year old step brother

22. Living arrangements?
.........well, currently they're keeping me in a padded cell with occasional breaks, but sometimes they add a straight jacket...

23. When was the last time you cried?
none of your buisiness...

24. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to?
.........well, seeing as BJ also has a blog and she happens to look at mine on occasion, i guess her. which, she's my oldest friend anyway, so......TEN FRUCKING YEARS, BABY!!!! luv ya, sis...

25. What did you do last night?
...make your own assumptions...

26. What are you most afraid of?
er, well....**whispers** ghostsss....and zombies....DEAD THINGS NEED TO STAY FUCKING DEAD!!!!

27. Plain, cheese, or spicey hamburgers?
veggie burgers.

28. Favorite dog breed?

29. favorite day of the week.

30. how many states have you lived in?

31. diamonds or pearls?

32. What is your favorite flower?
Tiger lillies, roses, and daisies. preferably still in the ground.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Automatic Death Disease

So I was diagnosed with ADD/ADHD (it's really Attention Defict Disorder, not Automatic Death Disease, but the latter sounds so much more impressive...) and I figured that I'd clear a few things up.

Normally, I don't like to talk about it, but the questions and critisisms are getting annoying.

So, disclaimer number one--no, I did not go and say "Oh, I'm failing my classes, I must have ADD!" no. I actually thought it was because I wasn't applying myself enough, when really I was applying myself (?) too much. I guess that when I try too hard to concentrate my entire brain goes berserk or something. I didn't want to get tested for ADD, but did it to please my mother.

Disclaimer number two: Not every person with ADD uses it as an excuse. My Basic Skills teacher, Mrs. S, keeps calling it a "disability," but I do NOT believe it is, in any way, a disability. It does make things more difficult, this is true, but it does not keep me from getting things done when I really want to, even if it takes me a very long time.

And finally, to all those who want to know what ADD is like, I can't really answer that question because I have no clue what it is like to be anything different from what I am, so I can't really tell you the differences, now can I? To be honest, I thought that everybody was easily distracted until the guy testing me told me different. If you want a run down, look it up on Wikipedia. (Ah, Wikipedia! You give knowledge to those who have none!)

In concluson, things like Automatic Death Disease and Paralysis and Anger Management issues are only a "disability" if you let them be. Right now, I'm passing all of my classes (although I'm barely passing Industrial Tech. Damn you, cruel building projects of doom and evil!), due to my Basic Skills training, and ADD is much less a hinderance then it used to be. I hope I answered a few questions, and I hope that people do not make me explain it again.

Supreme Ruler of All Unknown Knowledge,

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


why? WHYYY? why must teachers have favorites? why?

so, the musical this year is going to be "Beauty and the Beast." i'm soooo totally psyched about it. however, i really want to be Babette, and i probably won't get that part.

"why not?" you may be asking yourself (i rather doubt it, but whatever). well, Mrs. M has favorites. (we'll just call them Favorite number one and Favorite number two.) i know Favorite number one is going to get the part of Belle, and i know Favorite number two will probably get the Beast. this would normally not bother me, because i know that i don't want those parts anyway, but this time, it means that the girl who wants the part of Belle probably won't get it, and her second choice is Babette. so that means i'll be stuck as a choras girl, again.

i HATE being a choras girl! i might not be an excellent actress, but i'm not bad, either! i'm good enough to be Babette! and that's the part i really really want! DAMN YOU! well, i might as well make the best of it.

i just wanted to rant about the unfairness of it. i'm sure i won't get too upset about being a choras girl (it's better then nothing), but i really wish i could get a better part this year.



Okay, so a while ago i was ranting about the book i'm writing, and i REEEEALLY need some assistance!!! i am still looking for books/whatever could be useful for ANYTHING!!! interesting mythical whatever, legends, ect. you know. i've decided to include Ninja and Samurai, because i like them and there seems to be a little misunderstanding surrounding. later (i'm running out of time) i'll go through and put in a list of all the things i've decided on. (it's pretty long.)

but i just need a ANY credible sources you happen to know of that i could use and i gotta go,


Monday, January 5, 2009


Holy crap! I just realized, about...oh, five minutes ago, that it's fucking 2009! Wow.

Evaluation of 2008:

In what I've seen of the news for our country, 2008 has been stressful. Not one of the years for many things, politics especially. Definately Eventful, and not in all good ways either.

However, I feel that the United States of America has grown a little bit, learned from our mistakes. Or, at least i hope so.

Personally, this hasn't been the most difficult year ever. I have definately been through worse.

Things that were great: An excellent candidtate was chosen for President, My best friend and I started acting like best friends again, my father and i started to understand each other just a little bit more.

Things that sucked: People in the narrow-minded small town setting i've been confined to are still convinced Mr. Obama is a Muslim terrorist who will force all to convert, the relationship with my mother has deteriorated, i didn't quite make it through the entire year (for those of you who know me personally, you know what i'm talking about.)

well, that's my evaluation of the year 2008!
everyone, have an EXCELLENT 2009, and i hope that one REALLY super good thing happens to each of you. (more then one would be cool, too.)
