Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pedifiles? Right...

I just heard the news that, apparently, people are saying the Matthew Shepherd Act, which would include the LGBT community in protection against hate crimes, would be giving protection to pedifiles. Okay, so now people who don't want to get beat up for their sexual orientation are pedifiles?

We don't go after children. Get your fucking facts strait.

Here's the difference... Pedifiles are sick individuals who like small children. Gays are people who happen to prefer people of the same gender. That's not wrong. I like girls, does that mean I'm going to go seek out some little kid? No! I've never dated anyone younger then me, male or female. And some gay people I'm friends with are the sweetest people you'll ever meet.

For the love of all that is holy!

From One Who Is Trying Really Hard Not To Throw Something Through The Computer Screen,

1 comment:

opinionated_teen said...


jk, it's bull shit...but we already know they're narrow minded and probably jelous....