Friday, March 13, 2009

Career Investigations, Planning, and Not Wanting To Plan

I'm bored out of my goddamn skull...
Let's just say this: school is most definately NOT the epitome of my life.
Why? I mean, seriously!!! Okay, I'll give you that some of the classes are just fine--Biology, Literature, and maybe even the Math classes can be useful at times...but Career Investigations???

What the fuck???

To be honest, I think it is one of the most pointless and mind-numbing class EVER. Basically, we read out of a book (which is full of stupid statistics I didn't want to know in the first place), then we type up a bunch of crap about different careers, and then we...start over. For the love of Xenu, WHY? (Okay, I admit... that sentance is only there because I wanted to say Xenu. "Xenu, Xenu, Xenu"
Anyhoo, the only remotly interesting part of the class is the "Daily Career Search" at the beginning of the class, and that gets pretty old REALLY fast.

I don't want to be in this class! seriously! I don't want to be told that I have to start planning the rest of my life now!!! Why do I have to plan now? I'm fifteen, for God's sake! Honestly, I don't see the point. I just want to go with the flow, see where life takes me. The ancient peoples didn't plan everything out, at least not most of them. I'd rather just...I dunno. I guess I just am sick of all of this crap. I need to get out and do something! I want to just wander, without any idea where I'm going to end up or how I'll get there. It seems like a less stressful, full way to live. The people who plan their lives out ahead of time always end up disappointed when it doesn't turn out the way they thought. I don't want to be disappointed when I fuck everything up.


"Plenty sit still. Hunger is a wanderer."
~Zulu Proverb

"Beyond the east the sunrise,
Beyond the west the sea,
And east and west the wanderthirst
That will not let me be."
~Gerald Gould


Mike said...

Haha...Xenu. Perhaps you heard someone refer to him lateley, or did you think of that all on your own?? ;)

Brii333 said...

lol, you caught me.