Friday, March 6, 2009

Beauty and the Beast

Our school is putting on the production Beauty and the Beast for this year's musical. I get to be a Silly Girl (I was going to be the old crone that turns the prince into the Beast, but I got promoted when someone quit). The costumes are ADORABLE, and the part is entertaining. However, I have to whore on Gaston, who is played by Colton, who is a friend of mine's boyfriend.

How awkward could you get??? I mean, yeah, I'll be wearing a wig and stage makeup, but it's still really weird. It helps that I came up with an alter-ego (her name's Annette), but a little part of my brain keeps going, "ugh, Emily's going to KILL me..."

So I just wanted to rant about being awkward. I can handle it. Part of it might be was that I was the only one of three Silly Girls at practice, so I was the only one up there dangling off Colton's arm/shoulder. I think it would be a lot easier if they were there as well.


1 comment:

Okie said...

Sounds like fun. I'm sure you'll have a ton of fun. Just throw yourself into your character and just tell your friend you're just imagining yourself as her...she's your inspiration. ;)

Break a leg.