Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Ever since I could understand stories being read to me, I've been a seeker of myths. Mom and Dad would read me stories--Dad would read me fairy tales and make up his own stories, Mom would read to me out of books of myth. My favorite ones always involved dragons and knights in shining armor, or other such things.

Anyway, It contributed to my belief that nothing is completely impossible, that things such as fairies and dragons and vampires and monsters could exist, somewhere.

And people seem to find this incredibly amusing. I don't usually talk about such things because of this, but sometimes (like at home) I can't help myself. I'm ridiculed for it, and it makes me sad.

"They're not real, Brianna. That's why they're myths." Tamie or Dad or Skylar will tell me. My mother is the only one who says nothing. (If anything, she encourages it.)

But my point is, why can't there be things that we can't prove? Why can't there be magic and mysterious beings and living myths out there, things that we can't prove or understand? I'm not saying that these things exist for sure, but we can't know that they don't exist, either.


I think I've gone into this subject in a rant before, but that's beside the point.

So I might be crazy, but I think it's dumb to rule this stuff out.


"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who do not believe, no proof is possible."
~Stuart Chase

1 comment:

Okie said...

In my opinion, myths are just unproven hypothesis. Some may in fact be untrue, others may be true...even if they seem impossible.

The concept of "myths" reminds me of one of my favorite Sherlock Holmes quotes:
“How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?”