Tuesday, January 13, 2009


why? WHYYY? why must teachers have favorites? why?

so, the musical this year is going to be "Beauty and the Beast." i'm soooo totally psyched about it. however, i really want to be Babette, and i probably won't get that part.

"why not?" you may be asking yourself (i rather doubt it, but whatever). well, Mrs. M has favorites. (we'll just call them Favorite number one and Favorite number two.) i know Favorite number one is going to get the part of Belle, and i know Favorite number two will probably get the Beast. this would normally not bother me, because i know that i don't want those parts anyway, but this time, it means that the girl who wants the part of Belle probably won't get it, and her second choice is Babette. so that means i'll be stuck as a choras girl, again.

i HATE being a choras girl! i might not be an excellent actress, but i'm not bad, either! i'm good enough to be Babette! and that's the part i really really want! DAMN YOU! well, i might as well make the best of it.

i just wanted to rant about the unfairness of it. i'm sure i won't get too upset about being a choras girl (it's better then nothing), but i really wish i could get a better part this year.


1 comment:

Okie said...

That bites. Best of luck on the audition though...who knows, maybe things will turn out alright after all.