Monday, January 5, 2009


Holy crap! I just realized, about...oh, five minutes ago, that it's fucking 2009! Wow.

Evaluation of 2008:

In what I've seen of the news for our country, 2008 has been stressful. Not one of the years for many things, politics especially. Definately Eventful, and not in all good ways either.

However, I feel that the United States of America has grown a little bit, learned from our mistakes. Or, at least i hope so.

Personally, this hasn't been the most difficult year ever. I have definately been through worse.

Things that were great: An excellent candidtate was chosen for President, My best friend and I started acting like best friends again, my father and i started to understand each other just a little bit more.

Things that sucked: People in the narrow-minded small town setting i've been confined to are still convinced Mr. Obama is a Muslim terrorist who will force all to convert, the relationship with my mother has deteriorated, i didn't quite make it through the entire year (for those of you who know me personally, you know what i'm talking about.)

well, that's my evaluation of the year 2008!
everyone, have an EXCELLENT 2009, and i hope that one REALLY super good thing happens to each of you. (more then one would be cool, too.)


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