Sunday, January 18, 2009

Automatic Death Disease

So I was diagnosed with ADD/ADHD (it's really Attention Defict Disorder, not Automatic Death Disease, but the latter sounds so much more impressive...) and I figured that I'd clear a few things up.

Normally, I don't like to talk about it, but the questions and critisisms are getting annoying.

So, disclaimer number one--no, I did not go and say "Oh, I'm failing my classes, I must have ADD!" no. I actually thought it was because I wasn't applying myself enough, when really I was applying myself (?) too much. I guess that when I try too hard to concentrate my entire brain goes berserk or something. I didn't want to get tested for ADD, but did it to please my mother.

Disclaimer number two: Not every person with ADD uses it as an excuse. My Basic Skills teacher, Mrs. S, keeps calling it a "disability," but I do NOT believe it is, in any way, a disability. It does make things more difficult, this is true, but it does not keep me from getting things done when I really want to, even if it takes me a very long time.

And finally, to all those who want to know what ADD is like, I can't really answer that question because I have no clue what it is like to be anything different from what I am, so I can't really tell you the differences, now can I? To be honest, I thought that everybody was easily distracted until the guy testing me told me different. If you want a run down, look it up on Wikipedia. (Ah, Wikipedia! You give knowledge to those who have none!)

In concluson, things like Automatic Death Disease and Paralysis and Anger Management issues are only a "disability" if you let them be. Right now, I'm passing all of my classes (although I'm barely passing Industrial Tech. Damn you, cruel building projects of doom and evil!), due to my Basic Skills training, and ADD is much less a hinderance then it used to be. I hope I answered a few questions, and I hope that people do not make me explain it again.

Supreme Ruler of All Unknown Knowledge,

1 comment:

ChipotleChick said...

I swear half the people in Congress have ADD. Nice attitude girly. You're an honest, tough, straight forward person who doesn't mess around with bullshit (I do, and i do it cause it's fun to annoy people)

I like the honesty and headstrong-ness (ya i know that's not a word) of your posts. don't change! (bad greeting card here i come!)

and ya, sorry, just thought i'd randomly post on your blog cause its 1 A.M and there is absolutely nothing else to do. Go you and blog ya later!