Thursday, December 4, 2008


okay, i already hated that class, but the rest of this is going to be even more miserable then it already was.

we're studying Industry, and we had to go into groups of four for it, by "luck of the draw," as Mr. N put it. okay, Mr. N is cool, but i ended up with three of the fuckers who made my elementary school experience a complete and total misery: Billy, Kyle, and Garrett. okay, Garrett didn't make my life miserable in elementary school, but he sure is making me miserable now. and Billy and Kyle? those two were some of the "popular" kids that made sure i only had one friend, who is great. but i mean, to put me in a group with them is going to make life HELL for a while...

anyhoo, just wanted to complain about that while i had time. i needed to vent.

i want to go to the movies and watch Twilight again. that was such a good movie!!!! i still can't believe that some people are saying that it sucked! i think that they did an excellent job! it's one of the best book-to-movie transitions i've ever seen. i mean, yeah, the part where you see Edward all glittery turned out really cheesey, but the rest of it was excellent.

1 comment:

opinionated_teen said...

poor poor brianna....Billy and Kyle and Garrett??? God, i feel really sorry for you..:( By the way, you should go to my blog and take my poll thing...