Friday, December 26, 2008


I started research for my book. I'm so stoked! It's going to be about the possibility or improbability that certain mythological creatures could exsist. (I can't remember if I already talked about it or not, so if I did, I will again.) I've decided to go with vampires, shape-shifters, the Loch Ness Monster and other lake monsters (such as Champie in Canada's Lake Champlain), faeries, mer-people, sirens, and a number of other creatures, and there's a long list of them waiting for confirmation. However, I have encountered a minor setback...


Okay, I take that back. I have found a few, some of which i have only found the title/author but have not actually physically found, such as a few books by Montague Summers. I will also say that "Encyclopedia Horrifica" by Joshua Gee is a very credible source, and would be even more excellent if i could find any of the books in the selective bibliography located in the back of the book.

But can you believe how damn difficult it is to find a book on werewolves?? WEREWOLVES!! and Merpeople? what the fuck???

so i guess that what i really put this post here for was to ask, implore HEEELLLLP MEEEEE!!!!!! anyone, anyone, anyone who happens across my sad, pathetic blog, PLEEEEASE leave books/magazine articals/newspaper articals/anything useful that happens to be actual historical information on what people believed these things were. (please, not another modern version of them. i mean, sure, modern shapeshifters and faeries and vampires [ect] are cool, but that's not what history's "monsters" looked like.) (don't get me wrong, Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" kicks ass, as does "The Vampires Seduction" by Raven Hart, but it's just not the real thing! it's not!!! ASS!)


Throughout the shadowy world of ghosts and demons there is no figure so terrible, no figure so dreaded and abhorred, yet dight with such fearful fascination, as the vampire, who is himself neither ghost nor demon, but yet who partakes the dark natures and and possesses the mysterious and terrible qualities of both.
~Montague Summers

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