Friday, September 26, 2008

At School

i am at school right now. i am in biology...there's a substitute teacher, and theres only a few people in class--Alisha, Rachel, Brittany, Tricia, Amy, and Myself. i hate this keyboard...i keep having to hit backspace, because sometimes it decides it's not going to do what i want it to. Rachel and Amy are arguing about the leaf project. it's kind of annoying. just a little. now Tricia's joined fun. anyways, i've started writing poetry and short stories and shit again...i kind of didn't have time for a while, but...writing keeps me sane. so i have to make time to write.

i also started a notebook, where at least once a day, i take time to write down something positive. i'm trying to get my bright outlook on life back. sometime in the past four years, i lost it. i'm not sure where...probably somewhere between sixth and seventh grade. i miss the happy, cheerful, optomistic Brianna. the dark, angry, tired, selfish Brianna needs to go, so i can move on with my life, and forget about things i've done that...well...continue to tempt me.

i'll add in some of my finished products, when i finish them.

no QUOTE OF THE DAY today...i don't have my quotes on this computer.



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