Thursday, November 6, 2008


okay, no more really personal stuff in here. i've learned my lesson. **shudders** yeekz.

solo competitions were yesterday. i did alright--thirty-four out of forty. last year, i got a thirty-seven. :P oh well. i know i could have done better--i was really nervous. this was the first time i sang a song that i really understood, and i felt like i was standing up there, baring my soul to the entire audience. the judge even said, "loosen up the tension in your throat and jaw, the sound will come out more clean, crisp, beautiful."

i'll work on that.

i'm also working on a new painting...when it's finished, i'll take a picture of it and put the picture on here. :) it's got a bunch of boxes on it, and each small box represents something bad in my life, and each large box represents something good that i've got. so far, i've filled up all think three boxes. i've put in fear, love, hate, nightmare, hope, broken. i still need to put in one more bad thing and another good thing--i've still got the smallest box left and the largest box left. i don't know what to put in the large box.

i suppose i'll think of something.

the basis of shame is not some personal mistake of ours, but that this humiliation is seen by everyone.
~Milan Kundera


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