Monday, November 9, 2009


Don't get me wrong, I understand the need to seek knowledge beyond one's own ken. I realize that people need to be taught things, so that we can continue to make the world a better place and rid life of suckiness. HOWEVER, I think that dictating a persons life through how they did in highschool is a MAJOR DICK MOVE!!!!!

Fuck! I know I'm smart, people I'm friends with know I'm at least reasonably smart, but I seriously think that school is just another way to shoot down a student's self esteem and make our lives suck. Because if we do badly in school, it will haunt us for the rest of our lives.

I don't know. Maybe it's just because I still haven't finished that stupid test in American Literature and have had some issues getting some things in. Whatever. I just think that the American school system SUCKS BALLS. :( grrrrr...

Moving on...
2012!!! End of the world!!! bla bla bla bla bla!!! woooo!!! What the fuck? Seriously, I'm having some issues with this whole thing where people are playing up that "OMG THE WORLD'S GOING TO END IN THE YEAR 2012!!!!" load of bullshit. Not that I think it couldn't happen, but they're making freaking money off of it! Really? This is a serious issue!! Nostradamos (spelling?) predicted the end of the world, and all of his other predictions have come true so far. The Mayans and the Incas and the Egyptians are known for having predicted things really well, and they predicted that the world would be destroyed in a catastrophic plethora of earthquakes and volcano eruptions and tsunamis and giant cosmic snakes.

What do you think? Is the world going to end in two years? Or is it all just a load of superstitious bull?



opinionated_teen said...

well, Brii

as far as school goes, it does suck..alot. However, if we didn't go to school how could collages and employment centers be able to tell the smart from the not-so smart, or the commited to the not-so commited??

well, it could happen but to me it's very unlikely..many end of the world dates have already passed, and yet here we are. however- maybe that's just the insecure part of me not wanting to die at the age of 19.

another thing the world or government won't know till it happens.

E said...

Pshh, the world could end tomorrow if it wanted to!
I really don't believe anyone can predict the precise moment of the apocolypse. The only thing I'm worried about is the Polar Shift :P

Lovely blog, btw :]