So, I googled a few things and I almost know how to pronounce some stuff, but it's going to take a LOT of work. I think I'm just going to stick with knowing how to pronounce the stuff and just learn a few need-to-know phrases. Some of them are these:
Yes. (answer to yes/no question)-- HIja' or HISlaH
No. (answer to yes/no question)-- ghobe'
Yes, OK, I'll do it.-- lu' or luq
No, don't, I won't.-- Qo'
Hello. (Roughly, "What do you want?")--nuqneH
What's happening?-- qaStaH nuq? Huh? nuqjatlh?
I understand.-- jIyaj
I don't understand.-- jIyajbe'
Good! (expression of satisfaction)--maj
Well done!-- majQa'
Where is the bathroom?-- nuqDaq 'oH puchpa''e'
Come in-- yI'el (to more than one person:--pe'el)
Come here.-- HIghoS
Go away.-- naDevvo' yIghoS (to more than one person-- naDevvo' peghoS)
Open the door!-- lojmIt yIpoSmoH!
Don't be silly.-- yIDoghQo' (to more than one person-- peDoghQo')
Your mother has a smooth forehead!-- Hab SoSlI' Quch! (Note: this is a powerful insult; don't say it to friends.)
Today is a good day to die.-- Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam
We are Klingons!-- tlhIngan maH!
Happy birthday.-- qoSlIj DatIvjaj (to more than one person-- qoSraj botIvjaj)
What time is it?-- 'arlogh Qoylu'pu'? (Literally, "How many times has it [presumably some traditional hour alarm] been heard?")
Shut up!-- bIjatlh 'e' yImev (to more than one person--Sujatlh 'e' yImev)
That's great news!-- buy' ngop (Literally, "The plates are full")
Am I supposed to eat this?-- Dochvam vlSop net plH'a'?
You're hot. Want to make out?-- bl'lHqu'. Ha' maroSchuq?
So if you happen to speak Klingon and have any tips, please share.
p.s...Do you think Klingon would be accepted as a foreign language for an application? Hmm...something to think about.
1 comment:
Actually, Klingon isn't too hard.
Benny the Irish Polyglot learned it well enough to give a tour of his home in three months:
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