Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Labrinthine Workings of Society's Bullshit and My Admiration for the Elderly

so, why is it that whenever some REALLY good technology for green cars come out, it takes about three years for it to actually make it into a car?

i don't get it! EVERYTHING seems this complicated. EVERYTHING! it makes me so mad! i know it shouldn't, but it seems to me that if we could just stop making every little step so arduous, the things everyone complains about would get cleared up a lot more quickly.

and you know what, as much as people refuse to say it, the values of most elderly make sense. while i do NOT agree with many things they believe in, the honesty, humility, and contentedness with which they live and the loving way they care for others makes me wish that young people could be that way, too. i know there will always be some who prosecute and hate, but if we could gain back just a few old-fashioned values, mixed with tolerance and things we've learned through the years, life might improve for everyone.

or maybe not.
but a girl can hope, can't she?


PS....i wrote a post a while ago about the school musical, Beauty and the Beast, and how i knew i wasn't going to get the part i wanted (Babette, the feather duster) because of favoritism and senority and all that, and as an update--i was right. i get to be an old begger woman that turns the prince into the beast, and since she's not in there anymore after the first scene, a choras girl. :p GAH! **sigh** oh well. at leaste i got a part.

1 comment:

Okie said...

Congrats on nabbing a part beyond just hanging out in the least you get a little stage presence, that's cool.

Nice post about respecting your's intriguing to me the way nearly every society in history claims to have great respect and admiration for their elders, yet often treat them like crap or just ignore their advice and wisdom of experience.

And yes, it's frustrating to see how complicated things are. IMO, the largest reason for all the complication is greed...the almighty buck stifles true progress. Kinda sucks, but I'd rather live in the Capitalistic US than in most (all?) of the other messed up nations of the world.