Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Okay, so a while ago i was ranting about the book i'm writing, and i REEEEALLY need some assistance!!! i am still looking for books/whatever could be useful for ANYTHING!!! interesting mythical whatever, legends, ect. you know. i've decided to include Ninja and Samurai, because i like them and there seems to be a little misunderstanding surrounding. later (i'm running out of time) i'll go through and put in a list of all the things i've decided on. (it's pretty long.)

but i just need a ANY credible sources you happen to know of that i could use and i gotta go,


1 comment:

Okie said...

I think the difficulty is in finding "credible" resources. I'm sure there are tons (and I've seen some) of books that try to have the appearance of being credible while still being considered "fiction." I can't recall titles, but I've thumbed through numerous "journals" of "esteemed" monster hunters, vampirists, etc.

Perhaps your best bet would be to try and find a "Norton Critical Edition" of some of the famous mythical stories. Generally, the Norton editions include criticisms as well as anecdotal or supporting material. Not having seen a Norton edition of Frankenstein or Dracula or any of those, I'm not sure what they'd contain, but it's worth a try. You might need to check your local college bookstore or library to find them.