Saturday, October 17, 2009

Klingon is a lot harder then it looks.

I got it into my head that I was going to learn to speak Klingon, and I have determined that I am completely, totally, and utterly insane. I mean, the person who created it was very dedicated, and it has a completely believeable grammar system and alphabet. So, so far, the only thing I kind of know how to say is "Hab SoSll' Quch!" which is an insult that directly translates to "Your mother has a smooth forehead!" (I wanted to be able to insult people in Klingon and not get in trouble, but now that I know what it means I don't think I'll ever be able to say it with a straight face.)

So, I googled a few things and I almost know how to pronounce some stuff, but it's going to take a LOT of work. I think I'm just going to stick with knowing how to pronounce the stuff and just learn a few need-to-know phrases. Some of them are these:
Yes. (answer to yes/no question)-- HIja' or HISlaH
No. (answer to yes/no question)-- ghobe'
Yes, OK, I'll do it.-- lu' or luq
No, don't, I won't.-- Qo'
Hello. (Roughly, "What do you want?")--nuqneH
What's happening?-- qaStaH nuq? Huh? nuqjatlh?
I understand.-- jIyaj
I don't understand.-- jIyajbe'
Good! (expression of satisfaction)--maj
Well done!-- majQa'
Where is the bathroom?-- nuqDaq 'oH puchpa''e'
Come in-- yI'el (to more than one person:--pe'el)
Come here.-- HIghoS
Go away.-- naDevvo' yIghoS (to more than one person-- naDevvo' peghoS)
Open the door!-- lojmIt yIpoSmoH!
Don't be silly.-- yIDoghQo' (to more than one person-- peDoghQo')
Your mother has a smooth forehead!-- Hab SoSlI' Quch! (Note: this is a powerful insult; don't say it to friends.)
Today is a good day to die.-- Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam
We are Klingons!-- tlhIngan maH!
Happy birthday.-- qoSlIj DatIvjaj (to more than one person-- qoSraj botIvjaj)
What time is it?-- 'arlogh Qoylu'pu'? (Literally, "How many times has it [presumably some traditional hour alarm] been heard?")
Shut up!-- bIjatlh 'e' yImev (to more than one person--Sujatlh 'e' yImev)
That's great news!-- buy' ngop (Literally, "The plates are full")
Am I supposed to eat this?-- Dochvam vlSop net plH'a'?
You're hot. Want to make out?-- bl'lHqu'. Ha' maroSchuq?
So if you happen to speak Klingon and have any tips, please share.
p.s...Do you think Klingon would be accepted as a foreign language for an application? Hmm...something to think about.

Lady Gaga

So, everyone in the youtube comments are going on and on and on and on about how much they hate Lady Gaga or (in one case) "omg it's GUY Gaga get it right," or Man Gaga Slut Gay Bitch bla bla bla bla bla SHUT UP!!!!!!

For the love of Hermes!!! You would think that all anyone cared about was her supposed "penis" and how she's (I guess) male. For one, she's not male. She's got a little extra fat on her pubic bone and, since she's so thin, it's really easy to see. It is possible to get that surgically removed, but I guess she doesn't care to (and good for her!). It's not a penis, she's not a man. She IS bisexual. You can see this in her videos (especially the one for 'Love Game'). Honestly, in clothes like that, you would be able to see every detail of a penis.

That said, I am going to be very honest and say that I like Lady Gaga. She's very open about who she is and isn't afraid to express her individuality. I think that's awesome.

Also, if you watch a live video of her, she's a very good vocalist.

Alright, I'm done.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dragon's Loyalty Award

I just recently found out that I received this from Okie (cucullus non facit monachum: that I got this. It really made me feel pretty special. (I guess I got it a while ago, I just hadn't had time to look at my blog for a while...)


The award is the Dragon's Loyalty Award and it's awarded for 'the loyal fan/commenter, whether the recipiant is a fellow blogger or just someone who follows and comments regularely.'

Here are the rules:

If you have a blog, post it on your blog with a link back to the site who gave it to you.
Leave them a comment on their site, email, ect. to let them know.

  • If you don't have a blog but have a website, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, or other type of account, post there with a link back.

  • Pass this on to 3-10 loyal fans.

So thanks again, Okie (




Sunday, October 4, 2009

Adjectives on a Typewriter

Just a reminder to those of you who haven't checked out my other blog, I have a poetry/pros/essay blog at, and I like it a lot when people leave me comments. Constructive criticism is much appreciated.

Even if I don't have time to leave a post every day, I do usually check for comments, and I occasionally respond. :)

So please check out my stuff.

Much love,

2 Greek Myths Summerized


It appears that the Greeks took the idea of the Phoenix from the ancient Egyptians, who closely associated the red and gold bird with fire and the sun god Ra. The phoenix is a sacred creature and is said to live for either 500 years. It lived in Phoenicia next to a well and, at dawn every day, it bathed in the well and Helios (or Apollo, depending on the myth) would stop his chariot to listen to it sing.

At the end of its life, the phoenix would build a nest of cinnamon sticks and light them on fire. The bird and the nest would burn to ashes. A baby phoenix would rise from the ashes, and take the ashes of the dead bird in an egg of myrrh and bring it to Heliopolis (City of the Sun).

The Greeks and Romans were the first to call it by the name Phoenix, or φοίνιξ, because of its purple-red and crimson feathers. They and the Romans both pictured it much like a peacock or an eagle.

Orion and Merope

Orion was the son of Poseidon and the gorgon Eurvale. He was a man of gigantic proportions, and a hunter. When he was a young man, Orion fell in love with Merope, daughter of the king Oenopion. Oenopion did not approve of the match, and was rather slow in arranging the marriage. Impatient, Orion raped Merope. Oenopion was furious and decided to take revenge. He got Orion drunk, and when the young man fell asleep, the king put his eyes out and threw him out towards the sea.

Orion wandered about, blind, until Hephaestus, the smith god, saw and took pity on him. Hephaestus gave him a young boy to put on his shoulders as a guide. With this boy, Orion made his way east, where the rising sun restored his sight.

Angry and vengeful, Orion set out to punish Oenopion, but Hephaestus predicted this and built the king a hidden chamber under his palace, where he hid until Orion left out of frustration.

I did tell you I'd put them up after I finished summerizing them...
Anyhow, I love mythology, especially that of Greece and Egypt. Even though it's often violent and morbid, it just shows that the human race has always been violent and morbid. TV didn't make it worse, it just made it more apparent.

A few things I found interesting...
First of all, the Phoenix. There were stories of a Firebird in many cultures--Egypt, Greece, China, Rome...probably more. This shows a point that I've tried to make several times; why couldn't it be true? Humans like to have explainations for things, so why can't they explain why all these cultures, some of whom never met, (although the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians did meet) manage to have some of the same stories? Vampires, sea serpents (or the kraken), giants... you get my drift...
Also, Merope--The name Merope means 'beautiful,' or something like it. In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, we learn that Voldemort's mother's name was Merope Gaunt. I find it interesting how Rowling took someone so ugly (eyes facing two different directions, dirty, ect.) have a name that means 'beautiful.' Actually, quite a few of the names in the Harry Potter series comes from mythology. Just a random train of thought I thought I'd post...


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Catch Up

It's been an aweful long time since I've updated my blog. :P Unfortunately, my internet time is much limited since Mom put her foot down about my going to Dad's house every weekend. Also, since school started back up now, I've been UBER busy. With the combination of my new status as Junior, lots of homework, art club, FCCLA, and practice for solo competition/All-State Choir try-out preprations, I'm pretty busy. I also have a very long booklist to start on; I just finished reading "Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd" (which was excellent) and am now reading "A Journy to the Center of the Earth" (which is...interesting). I'm thinking to join Knowledge Bowl, too, I just don't know if my distracted brain is full of enough random knowledge to do that.

I also just started a beginner jazz/ballet/tap dance class for teenagers, and it's pretty difficult...for someone who hasn't had a Phy Ed. class since the nineth grade. classes are good. There's the usual--geography, geometry, American literature... but all the rest are electives!!! This semester I'm taking Psychology, which is fascinating even if it is insanely difficult; Choir, which is as easy as usual, even if it is fun; Mythology, which I happen to be doing the homework for right now (I'll post my summerizations of the Pheonix and Orion and Merope stories when I finish); and then there's Drawing and Design. That last one is not as easy as it sounds. The self-portrait part was hell (I've never been one to stare into a mirror studying my features more then necessary), so I just guessed at what I look like and then changed it up a lot. Mrs. B can't fail me--I followed all the requirements with shading and preportions. So what if I filled the eyes in completely black and made my hair look as if it were being woven by a ginormous spider?

Hmm...what else...not much...
I've got some more things put up on the Teen Ink web site. If you'd like to vote for any of my poetry/prose/whatever it is, pleeeease do so...
