Friday, April 3, 2009

Angel of Death Discussion

An Angel of Death is a person, usually a doctor or physician, who kills people in order to end their suffering.

Now, normally, an Angel of Death only acts if they have been asked by a patient who is terminally ill or severely injured. One famous Angel of Death is Jack Kevorkian, a doctor who commited at least 130 assisted suicides. He spent eight years of a ten-to-twenty-five year sentance for second degree murder, and was released on parol for good behavior.

Alright, so now you know what they are. It's time to discuss veiwpoints on the situation.

I will agree that killing someone, even at their request, would be morally wrong. It seems to me that it would be difficult to remove a human being from this world when you know they are capable of coherant thought, at least enough to ask for death. However, I belive that if someone is, say, already dying and would rather skip all the pain and just get it over with, assisted suicide would be acceptable. I only know that I wouldn't be able to go through with it.

This brings up a point of confusion for me in the medical world.

So, there are these people who are dying of cancer, or some other immensly painful disease, and the doctors won't give them morphine because they say they'll...get addicted to it? They frickin' dying, for Osiris's sake! What does it matter if they get addicted to it? If they're in pain and dying, give them all the fricken morphine they want! I'd say it would be better for their sanity.

Anyway, I just want to hear people's opinions on the whole Angel of Death thing, and opinions on the morphine situation would be welcome, as well.


"Am I a criminal? The world knows I'm not a criminal. What are they trying to put me in jail for? You've lost common sense in this society because of religious fanaticism and dogma. "
~Jack Kevorkian

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