Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas...

Okay, so the song "Why Does The Sun Shine?" by They Might Be Giants got me thinking...

So, scientists take theories and make them sound like fact so that they'll look like they know what the hell they're talking about, when the truth is, they have no effing clue! Not even in the slightest!!!

Scientists and other professionals say that NOTHING can travel faster then the speed of light.
okay....great....I can accept that...
THEN they say that the universe is ninety three billion lightyears across...
alright, I can take that, too.
and THEN they go on to say that the universe is approxmately 13.7 billion years old.
Then you take a closer look at the Big Bang theory, which they are making sound like fact. IF the Big Bang Theory is correct, then the universe should either be 13.7 billion lightyears across OR ninety three billion years old. it can't be thirteen point seven billion years old and ninety three billion lightyears across at the same time, because SUPPOSEDLY nothing can travel faster then the speed of light.


so what is it? i mean, personally, i agree with my dad: the universe is TOTALLY carried on the back of a giant turtle.

can you prove me wrong?

didn't think so.

i think what it is about the universe is that humans like to feel like they have a handle on everything, that they know exactly what's goinig on. but we don't. and you know what? that's just fine with me.

♥♥♥s to you...

"If the whole Universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the Universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning."
~C.S. Lewis

1 comment:

Mike said...

But Brii, it is all layed out for us: the great answer is 42, and Everyone around me is a figment of my deranged imagination. This is because the universe is (according to some) infinite. The number of inhabited planets is definitely finite, as is the number of sentient beings. And since anything finite divided (or spread out) over infinity is zero, no one around me exists. They are all products of my imagination.