Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Overthinking Twilight

okay, first of all, here's the video that brought all this overthinking of books about--

now i'll get on to the actual reason i'm blogging about it.

okay, so really, he just mentioned Edward Cullen in passing, when talking about how Holden in Catcher in the Rye is not a likeable person. actually, what he said was something along the lines of
"there's this, like, weird but pervasive feeling that in the world of contemperary coming-of-age fiction that characters ought to be, like, the person you want to be, or the person you want to be with, and i'm happy to aknowledge that Holden Caughfeild is not the guy you wanna be or the guy wanna be with. he's not Edward Cullen."

and the thing is, is that Edward is the person you want to be with.

not the person you want to be, because he's got this constant, undying hatrid of himself. he hates that he's brought all this pain and suffering upon Bella (whom i will get to in a minute), but even before Bella, he HATED himself. he hated what he was, he hated killing, he hated being a "monster." and i think that's part of what makes him so likeable. he's one of those few people who are so likeable in so many ways, but can't believe it, and that's part of what makes them likeable. when people believe or know that they're likeable, when they realize that fact, they become less likeable almost instantaniously. it's like that knowledge inflates their brains. and Edward's brain is, happily, un-inflated.

now to Bella.

Bella, in contrast to Edward, really isn't very likeable. on the outside, she is entirely likeable, but on the inside, she complains A LOT. seriously. (i mean, i can relate to her in some ways, but we're not going to go into that.) she IS nice, and tries not to hurt people, but the fact that she DOES hurt people, such Jacob and Charlie, and even Edward at times, makes you dislike her. it doesn't matter that she doesn't want to hurt these people, it's just the fact that she does. (although it would be worse if she didn't know that she hurt them. the fact that she knows redeems her a bit.)

the thing that REALLY makes the books something you want to read, i think, is the fact that no matter how you don't like Bella's perspective, no matter how unfathomable it is, the way Edward and Bella care for each other and want to make sure nothing bad happens to one another totally throws all of that out the window. you can't help but marvel at the fact that, no matter what happens, Edward and Bella will always, always, always love each other.

sorry. i went of in a really long rant.
and i'm sorry if i over-thunk (over-thunk? is that a word? well, it is now.) that whole thing. i'm done now.

you know, it would be A LOT harder to read if Bella were more like Rosalie...or, heaven forbid, if Rosalie herself were the narrator. god! she's such a bitch.


ps...i've been meaning to read Wuthering Heights. i've heard that the characters (yea, from Edward in Twilight talking about it. i meant to read it before that, anyway.) are NOT very likeable, kind of like Holden. of course, i'm just assuming, know how it is...

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