Sunday, September 14, 2008


my poor, poor fishy...i think Napolean's days are numbered.
i have a lot of fish...i had ten, but then Two Fish, Red Fish, and Blue Fish all disappeared (i don't know where they went. i've come to the conclusion they were abducted by aliens. of course, they could have just died and been eaten by the other fish, but that's not nearly as good a story, is it?).
Len is a neon pink goldfish. Cartney is a neon yellow goldfish. One fish is the last of my four glow-tetras. Fred and George are two black-skirt-tetras, and Napolean is the third black-skirt-tetra. the three of them used to all just be "Fred" but recently, Napolean started to swim with a sort of a...limp, i guess would be the best way to describe it. so i changed his name to "Napolean" and one other fish to "George." i don't know why Napolean has a "limp," but i'm thinking he may be not long for this world.
oh, yes...i also have a Japanese bottom-feeder named Crappy. (because he eats fish shit.) i forget about him a lot, because i hardly ever see him. he hides in the rocks at the bottom of the tank a lot. anti-social little man, he is. at least, i think he's a man.

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