Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Teen Ink

So I've got a bunch of stuff submitted to this TEen Ink thing, which is a site online where you submit poetry and visual art and pros and shit like that and then people vote and comment and rate and sometimes you get into their magazine, which would be awesome. So people should go to this link right here... ...and vote and rate and comment and help me get into their magazine, because you have NO FREAKING IDEA how badly I want that and how cool that would be.

Help a girl out?

Lovez you,

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


So our school musical this year is Oklahoma!, which, in my opinion, is one of the most annoying musicals ever written. However, I get to play Ado Annie and that's fun, so it's okay.
We've been doing practices for about two weeks or so now, and Sean (the guy playing Jud) had only come to one practice. He showed up at one to say that he "wasn't sure" if he was going to be in the play or not, and we told him to either be in it or not so we could find a new Jud if we needed to, and he quit.
I'm torn between being murderously irritated and uncontrollably excited. First of all, when you sign up to do something, you do it. No excuses. However, I was starting to get sick of him after being at One Act rehersals with him for a whole month. Whatever. Mostly I'm just pissy cuz now we need to find another guy that's willing to sing. Do you know how difficult that is in this area? Apparently it counts as a point against someone's manlyhood to be in a musical. Who knew?
But other then that, it's good. Practices are reasonably fun, besides the annoyance of fidgety, "i-can't-sing-louder-then-a-whisper-even-though-every-other-time-I-open-my-mouth-I-try-to-drown-every-other-little-sound-out-just-because-I-can" choras kids, I mean. Not all of them. Just three and a half fourths of them.
Phew! I'm ok. **breathe!**

Monday, February 8, 2010



I wonder if my Dad would be open to buying tickets. I mean, I understand it's a recession, but this is COLLECTIVE-FUCKING-SOUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Collective Soul. I mean, we should be able to find decent priced tickets somewhere online. Right?

Collective Soul. COLLECTIVE SOUL.

I don't think I'll be coherent for the rest of the day.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Writing is difficult. Those of you who actually have read my work ( know that yeah, I can write a pretty decent poem and all that. But I can never seem to finish a short story or anything like that without a deadline. The one on Paranoid Schizophrenia that I wrote was written the same day it was due. It's not that I don't like writing them, it's that I get mad and think they aren't any good and then I quit. I mean, I know I'm being rediculous and that first drafts are SUPPOSED TO SUCK, but I just get mad and throw the notebook into the corner of my bedroom underneath my desk/shelf/whatever-the-hell-it-is reserved for discarded stories and cut up magazines and old photographs and sketches and leave them there. Once in a while I'll dig one up and work on it a little more, but it's never more then a page and I always throw it back into the pile. How am I ever going to get anything done if I continue like that? WTF!!!!!!!!!

So if anyone's got any ideas on how to make me kick my own butt out of the realm of procrastination and frustration, that would be positively lovely.

While you're at it, you can check out my other blog (link in the first paragraph )and give me constructive criticism, because I like that. (wow, aren't I just awesome at promoting? I should do that for a living. **heavy sarcasm**)
