Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Subverting the Tyranical Fashion/Beauty Paradigm

I QUIT. I just fucking QUIT. I am not watching my weight anymore!!!! If I'm a fat fucking bastard, thats fucking okay with me!!!! If I'm a fugly anorexic looking bitch, that's fucking okay, too!!!!! I will not adhere to an idealistic vision of beauty marketed by fashion magazines and negetively reinforced by a society dumb enough to believe that real beauty is only seen on the cover of a magazine. Fuck it!!!!!!!

Now I'm going to eat a fucking bagel and ENJOY IT!!!!!!!! Take that, assholes.

Lots of Love and a Late Merry Christmas to You,


Monday, December 14, 2009

Bra Burning

I was bra/shoe shopping this weekend and the sizes in both departments pissed me off so badly that I have officially decided that I am going to get a ton of people together will all of the bras that never fit right, and we are going to BURN THEM. (I'm picking on bras because at least the shoe department had shoes in my sizes--they just didn't have the ones I wanted.)

Apparently, they seem to think that 34Ds and women with size 10 1/2 feet only wear tennis shoes and sports bras. Really. I like a cute bra as much as the next girl; it makes me feel pretty. So when I go to buy a bra and I find NO 34Ds in the entire 100 square foot area that isn't a sports bra, I get pretty pissed. I had to buy a 36D, which is working out just fine besides for the fact that it's just a little too big around the middle part.

They had pretty bras in sizes for all the way up to 44D, too. This is basically saying that only larger women can have big boobs. I am sick of this!!!!

Not only that, but why do the cute bras always have to come with a thong? Really? I live with people who are fond of giving wedgies--I CANNOT wear a thong. But that's not even the point. Apparently a girl has to be slutty to be pretty, and that pisses me off. Even the cutsie blue-and-white polka dots came with a thong!!!!

I do not have to bow to society's rules of what is and isn't pretty, and I will NOT. I will go braless if I go on another shopping trip and find nothing but sports bras in my size. No lie. I will steal every bra in the Victoria Secret and light them on fire.

AAAAAHHHH!!!!!! It pisses me off more then the helpless little skanks on video games that always get eaten by zombies due to their own stupidity.

I feel better, now.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Romeo and Juliet

is my absolute favorite story EVER. It's well written, has a beautiful plot line, the characters have cool names (I mean, Mercutio? Come on! Awesome.), and it pretty much shaped the modern love story. I'm pretty sure that the one line from Shakespeare that everyone knows is "Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?"
Even if people don't understand the incredible symbolism of that line, they at least know that the line symbolises something.

So why do we love Romeo and Juliet? There's something about the story that enchants us. Even though we know it's rediculous to meet someone, fall in love, get married, and kill yourself for them in less then a week, the two lovers represent the kind of love that everyone wants, no matter how much they deny it--the consummate kind of love that brings two people together not through what my friends Tricia and Billie refer to as "Lust at First Site," but through true, complete, love that isn't lust, but a deep spiritual connection.

Romeo and Juliet's love for eachother changes them. Before he meets Juliet, Romeo is a typical young man (for that time). He hangs out with his friends, jokes, goes to parties, not too unlike the way we live. Of course, when we first meet him, he's pining over another beautiful woman, Rosaline, much in the same way a normal boy would pine for a woman he lusts after. As a matter of fact, the Friar says to Romeo when the younger man comes to him about Juliet, "Young men's love, then, lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes." And this is true of Romeo--until he meets Juliet. When he meets her, he not only thinks she's beautiful, but he loves to talk with her, too.

Juliet changes, as well. When she first appears, she is an obedient girl, doing as her parents tell her to. Had Romeo not gone to that party at her father's house, she would have gotten married to Paris, wouldn't have had true love but led a happy life, the same way her mother had. But something changes, and suddenly, she's found something more important to her then simply pleasing her parents and nurse, and she will do anything to keep from losing that. This is why, even though it terrifies her, she is willing to pretend she has died so that she may be banished with Romeo.

So I think that's why we love Romeo and Juliet so much. Even though Romeo completely destroys his own happiness, even though Juliet is willing to hurt her parents and nurse, we wish we could have someone that we could be brave like that for.

Maybe I'm just being stupid, but I believe in that kind of love. I mean, I'm not idiotic enough to think that it's easy to find or that everybody even finds it. But I do believe in it for everyone.


"A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorry, will not show his head.
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things.
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished,
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."
~Romeo and Juliet
~Act V, Scene iii
~The Prince

Thursday, December 10, 2009


One very important thing to say: IT IS FUCKING COLD.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

If You Don't Like TMI Posts, Don't Read This.

So, yeah. My period. It's acting funny. Meaning...I haven't gotten it for months, and now that I got it, I feel sick. Not just a "oh, I don't feel very good today, I'm going to take a nap and I'll feel better" sort of suck. It's more of an "Oh my god I feel like I'm going to hurl and my head feels like it's going to explode, somebody KILL ME" sort of sick. I don't think that's normal. Maybe I'll go on birth control just to lose the goddamn period. It's not like I'm going to be having sex any time soon...

That's all. Sorry if I made you feel sick by talking about my feeling sick.