Sunday, June 21, 2009

New Blogger Among Us!!!!! :D

J.G. Sexton, a writer of stories he calls the 'Jason Horde Mysteries,' has joined blogger. After reading his first blog entry, which was just sort of an introduction, I've deduced that he's a pretty cool guy. You should totally go check him out... Except for Okie, cuz he already checked it out and I learned about it from him. But all the rest of my adoring fans should go look. He's holding a contest...I don't have it right in front of me, because I closed out of it. Crap.... Well, since I don't have the contest details, you should go to his blog and check it out. ;) ;) ;)

Go. I'm using my Nerdfighteria Powers of Awesome to make you click on that link.... clickey, clickeeey... You know you want to...

and be sure to mention me in a comment and say I sent you. :) Pleeeease?


Saturday, June 20, 2009

TV Corporations $$$ (aka Greedy Bastards)

All I want to do is watch the first season of NCIS, so that I can see how it started out and bla bla bla. That's it. But, noooo, CBS has to be fucking greedy and say, "No, this takes moulah away from US, so you can't just watch the damn video on the internet, even though places like Hulu actually found a way to get money from it! We can't allow that!"

Okay, I just want to watch my favorite tv shows, right? Because of the digital switch, my family is television-less. All we have are my brother's ps2 and a broken vcr. (the dvd part doesn't work.) I've been stuck watching old VHS tapes like Where the Heart is and Star Trek because we have NO TV.

It's not like I watched a ton of TV before... NCIS and The Mentalist on Tuesdays and Criminal Minds on Wednesdays. Most of the time, I prefer to read. However, I'm in sore need for a trip to the bookstore, and I can't find that overdue book I owe the library, so I'm out of reading material.

So I just started looking on the internet for places I could watch the first seasons of NCIS and Criminal Minds. Can I find them? NO!!!!!!

I NEED MY MURDER SHOW FIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where else am I supposed to learn from about different types of poisons from Ducky, or get random trivia from Dr. Spencer Ried? and The Mentalist!!!!! How can I live without seeing Patrick Jane hypnotise someone every once in a while?

Okay, I'm exaggerating. I can survive without. But really!!! Do they have to make it so damn difficult????????????? For the love of Hermes!!!!!!!!!!


Little Brother Problems

My eleven year old brother, Sky, is driving me absolutely insane. Seriously. That kid is the biggest smart-ass I've ever met...besides for maybe my dad. The problem is, Skylar doesn't understand when it's okay to be a smart-ass, and when he needs to shut up. If he gets in trouble for something and Mom tells him to sit down (so she can yell at him, of course), he'll sit down EXACTLY where he is rather then the chair she's pointing at, so he's sat on the floor in the bathroom for long periods of time, responding to Mom with an "I can't, you told me to sit down," every time she tells him to "Come here!" **rips hair out by roots** and he does this sort of thing ALL THE TIME. He thinks it's FUNNY. It was funny the first couple of times, but now it just makes me want to take him and throw him out a window. And I'm usually a very non-violent person.

How do I deal with this? Every time I tell or ask him ANYTHING, it's always taken so literally! I've gotten to the point where I'll even almost look forward to going to my babysitting job (where I get sat on and feet shoved in my mouth and screamed at and messes get made that I have to clean up because apparently 12-year-olds and eight-year-olds are unable to clean up after themselves) rather then stay at home! How do I get him to treat myself and my mother and Tamie with some measure of respect? He acts like he's in charge of US, rather then the other way around. And Mom LETS him!!!!!! GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just because he's the precious younger child that takes after her more then I do doesn't mean ANYTHING!


Sunday, June 7, 2009

New Blog

Yeah, I just went ahead with it and did another blog, which will be full of poetry, essays, and short stories.

I wasn't sure what to call it, other then just 'Brii's Poetry and Essays,' so the subtitle is from the Cake song 'Shadow Stabbing.' ("Adjectives on a typewriter, he moves his words like a prize fighter," except I changed it to "moving words like a prize-fighter.")

Check it out!

Lovez to all of You,

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Memorizing Shakespeare/Another Blog?

So...It's my goal in life to play Juliet in Romeo and Juliet someday, and so I'm working on memorizing her parts, bit by bit...Not starting at the beginning, just picking peices from all over.

I figure if I type this long speech out, I'll remember it better. I've only got like, the first eight lines.

So here you are...

Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again.
I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins
And almost freezes up the heat of life.
I'll call them back again to comfort me.
Nurs!--What should she do here?
My dismal scene I needs must act alone.
Come, vial.
What if this mixture do not work at all?
Shall I be married then tomorrow morning?
No, no! This shall forbid it. Lie thou there.
[lies down a dagger]
What if it be a poison which the friar
Subtly hath minist'red to have me dead,
Lest in this marriage he should be dischonored
Because he married me before to Romeo?
I fear it is; and yet methinks it should not,
For he hath still been tried a holy man.
How if, when I am laid in the tomb,
I wake before the time that Romeo
Come to redeem me? There's a fearful point!
Shall I not then be stifled in the vault,
To whose foul mouth no healthsome air breathes in,
And there die strangled ere my Romeo comes?
Or, if I live, is it not very like

The horrible conceit of death and night,
Together with the terror of the place--
As in a vault, an ancient receptacle
Where for this many hundred years the bones
Of all my buried ancestors are packed;
Where bloody Tybalt, yet but green in earth,
Lies fest'ring in his shroud; where, as they say,
At some hours in the night spirits resort--
Alack, alack, is it not like that I,
So early waking--what with loathsome smells,
And shrieks like mandrakes torn out of the earth,
That living mortals, hearing them, run mad--
O, if I wake, shall I not be distraught,
Environèd with all these hideous fears,
And play madly with my forefathers' joints,
And pluck the mangled Tybalt from his shroud,
And, in this rage, with some great kinsman's bone
As with a club dash out my desp'rate brains?
O, look! Methinks I see my cousin's ghost
Seeking out Romeo, that did spit his body
Upon a rapier's point. Stay, Tybalt, stay!
Romeo, Romeo, Romeo, I drink to thee.
[She falls upon her bed within the curtains]

I love this play. LOVE IT! 'Tis my favorite Shakespeare work, and is among my favorite books on my desk-shelf. (Meaning it's NOT with the rest of my books in my bookshelf, instead it's where I can just reach over and grab it.)

Well...I'll probably be putting more stuff in here from Romeo and Juliet at a later date.

Oh yes, and I'm toying with the idea of putting up another blog to put up stories and poems in. I've been putting together a list of the pros and cons of this, but I'm still not sure. I probably wouldn't update it as often as I do this one, and I would have a lot more poems then stories. I could put essays in it, which I happen to have quite a few of... But would anyone read it? That is the question...would it be worth it? And I'm also afraid of the idea of plagarism--I'm absolutely terrified of my work being stolen. I work hard at it, and I don't want to have that work exploited without my knowledge.

So what do you think? ANY advice would be wonderful, please.
